What is Kanban Software Development?

Chronology of Iterative and Incremental Development - 1995 First 'Agile' methodologies introducted DSDM & Scrum - 1999 Extreme Programming book published - 2001 Agile Manifesto - 2004 Kanban...

Polyfill object-fit cover for img and video HTML elements.

Note, this will only work as intended when the img/video element is a single child and the parent has an explicit width/height. Assumptions: img/video has width: 100%, height: auto -...

VPN Wifi using Docker and CreateAp (Raspberry Pi)

Terms: 1. Network gateway: local computer (ethernet layer) that routes outgoing packets.2. VPN hotspot: wireless network with outgoing packets through a VPN. Synopsis: The challenge was to...

Tendonosis (Repetitive Strain Injury) causes and treatment

Tendonosis is one of the long-term diseases under the categorisation of RSI, the others inculding entrapment conditions (e.g carpal tunnel syndrome). Short-term repetitive strain conditions include...

DNS Overcoming root domain CNAME restrictions

Prelude: There is a common situation where you need to point a hostname to another hostname, this can arise when the DNS records aren't in your control (such as in a client) Apparently it is a common...

Cross compile linux kernel module for specific kernel

This post will revolve around the Netgear DGND3300v2 router and compiling the dm9601 drivers. I am not an expert and so this post might be missing certain key points relevant to your target platform...

Backing up to AWS Glacier using the AWS Command Line Interface (tutorial)

Introduction: In the process of finding a long-term durable back up solution to my personal photos I stumbled upon AWS Glacier, there ]may be a better alternative to my problem - but as I see it...

Short post: Making the ESP8266 ESP-01 breadboard friendly without soldering

I haven't yet seen this online and thought it would be useful to some. Using some extra long female headers you can make an 'adapter' for the ESP-01 in just a few minutes without having to bring out...

Android Access Point only using Linux commands (Optional: OpenVPN access point)

Note 1: "a wireless access point (WAP) is a networking hardware device that allows a Wi-Fi compliant device to connect to a wired network" - wikipedia Note 2: This was done using a rooted...

Linux directory permissions summary

Permissions for directories work different than files. Read bit: this allows affected users to get the list of files in the directory.    e.g without it "ls" won't return anything Write...

Making LXDE nicer looking with the Color UI theme

I have always detested the default LXDE theme, it does the job but just leaves me feeling a bit ill. This gives it a more pleasant flat color scheme, while also changing the default logo/wallpaper...

How to sort a map by its keys (Clojure)

Just a short one; there isn't a straight forward method to sort an existing map by its keys and this may not be obvious to new comers. (->> {:z 1 :a 10} (mapcat identity) (...

Rudimentary Clojure IRC Client in 30 lines

The other day I wanted to experiment a little on using TCP in Clojure - thank goodness for the beautiful channel model of concurrency (CSP) - because with the aleph library it took about 10 minutes...

Initial commit

123 abc git push --force